Meet the Team

Melissa Ferris
Founder, Administrator & K-2nd Lead
The vision for Life Point Learning Center was placed on my heart at the same time I was called to Homeschool our two boys, summer of 2022. With both myself and my husband working full-time, we knew the decision to homeschool was going to be a huge sacrifice. Creating an alternative education for families that have the desire to homeschool, but feel stuck in public education layed heavy on my heart over the last year. I prayed daily for God to bring the right people into my life to help make this desire come to fruition, and God moved quickly in the Spring of 2023. I'm forever grateful God has called me to this mission!
I have an undergraduate degree in Middle Childhood Education in Math and Science and a Master's Degree in Curriculum and Instruction with an emphasis in Mathematics Education. I taught in public education for 11 years with my last 2 years being the 6th grade administrator. Summer of 2016 God called my husband and I to ministry. I stepped away from public school teaching and have now served on Staff at Life Point Church for the last 7 years.
My bucket gets filled when I see kid's being kids - laughing, interacting with peers, being creative and discovering through play and exploration. When I'm not at Life Point Church or homeschooling, I love to run for exercise, make healthy dinners for my family and be my boys biggest cheerleader at any and every sport they play!

Allie Domenico
3rd through 5th Lead & Elective Instructor
Hello! My name is Allie Domenico and I’m a wife to my husband Vince of 16 years and we have 3 awesome kids, Max (13), Leo (10) and Winnie (8). We are a big sports and outdoor family. You can find us at the ballpark, the pool, or the park on most days :) I am a teacher by degree, have my masters degree in standard based education and taught middle school math for most of my career in Perry. I also am a Regional VP with an amazing health and wellness business for the last 7 years and I get to work part time around our family’s schedule.
While I loved teaching, I loved being home with our 3 kids more, so I resigned from full time teaching in 2013 when our second child was born. After having our 3rd child, we fell into homeschooling “accidentally." My oldest then went to a private Christian school for 2 years before God nudged us to fully commit to homeschooling again and here we are heading into our 6th year homeschooling! We love the flexibility, choices and time we have to spend learning and growing together. In 2021, four other homeschooling moms and I helped create a local co-op called Raising Arrows, where over 25 families get together once a week to do life and school together. We love it! This past year, Melissa and I started brainstorming together about a homeschool resource center to encourage other families to homeschool and Life Point Learning Center was born. I am so excited to get back in the classroom and help support other families on their homeschooling journey!

Shelby Parsons
Finance Director & Office Administrator
When God called our family to move two thousand miles across the country from Arizona to Ohio in December 2022, I knew he had something in store for us! Our house is an avid follower of Dave Ramsey and in 2020 we began our debt freedom journey. We completed that goal in eleven months and then felt a nudge to move in order to receive God's full blessing over our lives. We were able to arrive in Ohio, not only debt free, but mortgage free. When we arrived we immediately sought out a new church home which became Life Point Church. Then, in the spring of 2023, my path quickly converged with Melissa and Allie's and it has been an adventure ever since!
Just as we are passionate about providing a loving and Christ centered environment that encourages and inspires children to have a lifelong love for learning and spiritual development, we are equally passionate to serve as good stewards over the finances of the Learning Center, to honor the mission in which God has laid on all of our hearts.